Philosophy and Science
Philosophy and Science in the Classical AgeContributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD
The Qur’an bestows upon humankind the keys to the heavens and the earth (“Do you not see that God has made subject to thee all that is between the heavens and the earth”, Qur’an, 31:20). In the golden age of their history, Muslims used these keys to unlock the secrets of nature and they created a civilization that was the marvel of the world. Then, they overreached themselves....
Philosophy and Science
- أنشأ بواسطة: طارق شفيق حقي
- نشرت: 09-12-2017, 01:47 AM
- 0 تعليقات
Philosophy and Science
Tasawwuf (Sufism) and Quantum Physics
- أنشأ بواسطة: طارق شفيق حقي
- نشرت: 08-12-2017, 11:10 PM
- 0 تعليقات
Tasawwuf (Sufism) and Quantum Physics
Tasawwuf (Sufism) and Quantum Physics
Dr. Ibrahim B. SYEDTasawwuf (commonly known as Sufism) and quantum theory have several things in common. For example, Sufis and physicists have very similar views of the world. In contrast to the West’s mechanistic worldview, Sufis consider all things and events perceived by the senses as interrelated and connected, different aspects or manifestations of the same ultimate reality. For them, enlightenment is the experience of becoming aware of all things’... -
What Do Empires Do?
- أنشأ بواسطة: رزاق الجزائري
- نشرت: 04-29-2010, 12:22 AM
- تعليق 1
What Do Empires Do?
What Do Empires Do?...
by Michael Parenti* While the definition of empire when referring to the United States is no longer anathema for the U.S. public, it’s use has been sanitized and drained of its full substance. Empire is mentioned as a synonym of power and prestige, as of something to be proud of, but rarely is public opinion reminded of the devastating deeds perpetrated by U.S. imperialism. Michael Parenti analyses the disconnect between perception and reality among the U.S. -
La raison
- أنشأ بواسطة: فيصل الملوحي
- نشرت: 03-15-2010, 11:07 PM
- 0 تعليقات
La raison
On raconte
qu’un homme vint un jour à la portière du Calife ALMANSUR et dit au chambellan : Ô chambellan , dites au commandeur des croyants qu’il y a à la portière un savant qui s’appelle ‘Açime ,et le Calife connaît bien notre vieille connaissance durant plus d’une année aux écoles de (ACHCHAM ) , et il veut dire bonjour et renouveler au Calife ma reconnaissance de sa souveraineté ( IMAMAH ) ....
Le chambellan reconnut l’homme et le laissa passer. Il entra et salua -
International Women`s Day
- أنشأ بواسطة: عماد اليونس
- نشرت: 03-09-2010, 01:27 AM
- 0 تعليقات
International Women`s Day
March 8 is International Women's Day:...
Not only is this day commemorating women one of the most widely observed holidays of recent origin, but it is unusual in that it began in the United States and was adopted by many other countries, including the former U.S.S.R. and the People’s Republic of China. This holiday has its roots in the March 8,1857, revolt of American women in New York City, protesting conditions in the textile and garment industries, although it wasn’t proclaimed
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Latest Articles
بواسطة طارق شفيق حقيPhilosophy and Science
Philosophy and Science in the Classical AgeContributed by Prof. Dr. Nazeer Ahmed, PhD
The Qur’an bestows upon humankind the keys to the heavens and the earth (“Do you not see that God has made subject to thee all that is between the heavens and the earth”, Qur’an, 31:20). In the golden age of their history, Muslims used these keys to unlock the secrets of nature and they created a civilization that was the marvel of the world. Then, they overreached themselves....-
المنتدى: English
09-12-2017, 01:47 AM -
بواسطة طارق شفيق حقيTasawwuf (Sufism) and Quantum Physics
Dr. Ibrahim B. SYEDTasawwuf (commonly known as Sufism) and quantum theory have several things in common. For example, Sufis and physicists have very similar views of the world. In contrast to the West’s mechanistic worldview, Sufis consider all things and events perceived by the senses as interrelated and connected, different aspects or manifestations of the same ultimate reality. For them, enlightenment is the experience of becoming aware of all things’...-
المنتدى: English
08-12-2017, 11:10 PM -
بواسطة رزاق الجزائريWhat Do Empires Do?...
by Michael Parenti* While the definition of empire when referring to the United States is no longer anathema for the U.S. public, it’s use has been sanitized and drained of its full substance. Empire is mentioned as a synonym of power and prestige, as of something to be proud of, but rarely is public opinion reminded of the devastating deeds perpetrated by U.S. imperialism. Michael Parenti analyses the disconnect between perception and reality among the U.S.-
المنتدى: English
بواسطة فيصل الملوحيOn raconte
qu’un homme vint un jour à la portière du Calife ALMANSUR et dit au chambellan : Ô chambellan , dites au commandeur des croyants qu’il y a à la portière un savant qui s’appelle ‘Açime ,et le Calife connaît bien notre vieille connaissance durant plus d’une année aux écoles de (ACHCHAM ) , et il veut dire bonjour et renouveler au Calife ma reconnaissance de sa souveraineté ( IMAMAH ) ....
Le chambellan reconnut l’homme et le laissa passer. Il entra et salua-
المنتدى: English
03-12-2010, 11:07 PM -
بواسطة عماد اليونسMarch 8 is International Women's Day:...
Not only is this day commemorating women one of the most widely observed holidays of recent origin, but it is unusual in that it began in the United States and was adopted by many other countries, including the former U.S.S.R. and the People’s Republic of China. This holiday has its roots in the March 8,1857, revolt of American women in New York City, protesting conditions in the textile and garment industries, although it wasn’t proclaimed-
المنتدى: English
03-09-2010, 01:27 AM -